Exemplary Career and Technical Education Programs include Adult Education

Exemplary Career and Technical Education Programs include Adult Education

If you agree with this statement, you should know more about the opportunity to highlight Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs that address the needs of both K-12 and adult learners.

The CTE Research Network is seeking CTE programs and models in secondary and postsecondary education for an evaluability study, also known as a feasibility study. The study will identify and recommend a number of CTE programs for future research, as part of the network’s mission to expand the evidence base on the impact of career and technical education on student outcomes.

Nominations can represent a broad range of industry career clusters. The CTE Research Network team will work with representatives of nominated programs to understand such key components as:

  • the program enrollment process,
  • students’ experiences in the program, and
  • how students’ success in the program is defined.

Programs that participate will be included in a report to the U.S. Department of Education. The findings will help advance:

  • the gathering of crucial data needed to enhance CTE programs across the nation, and
  • documentation of CTE’s impact on student education outcomes.

The newly formed CTE Research Network is funded by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education. The American Institutes for Research and its partners—the Association for Career and Technical Education, JFF, and Vanderbilt University—serve as the CTE Research Network leads.

Learn more and nominate a model CTE program