Exploring Media Literacy for Adult Learners

Are you teaching media literacy as part of your Adult Basic Education or ESL program?  LINCS is seeking to expand knowledge and resources around media literacy education for adult learners, and we need your help.

LINCS and The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) are collaborating on a webinar and panel discussion later this year, focusing on media literacy for adult educators.  NAMLE's mission defines media literacy education as help[ing] individuals of all ages develop habits of inquiry and skills of expression needed to become critical thinkers, effective communications and active citizens in a world where mass media, popular culture and digital technologies play an important role for individuals and society.  

I invite you to contact me to learn about plans for our webinar and panel discussion, and to see how you can be involved in shaping the conversation.  Ideas are welcome in this thread, or you can reach out to me via email at the address listed below.

Mike Cruse

LINCS Moderator



