Based on our webinar and panel discussion on Career Pathways for ABE/ESL Learners, and how these programs are partnering with K-12 Career and Technical Education (CTE) to build capacity, I want to share the following report. This National Center for Innovation in Career and Technical Education (NCiCTE) has published Connecting Secondary Career and Technical Education and Registered Apprenticeship: A Profile of Six State Systems.
Colleagues in North Carolina; Connecticut; Florida; Kentucky; Washington; and Rhode Island, have you connected with secondary CTE, to explore opportunities for serving adult learners in their programs? How can we build better connections between our programs to create an inter-generational apprenticeship pipeline? This resource includes an interview protocol (Appendix A) to help you explore your state's CTE and apprenticeship programs.
The U.S. Department of Labor's American Apprenticeship Initiative, will expand registered apprenticeships, leading to new opportunities in high-growth occupations and industries, with an emphasis on expanding options for women and underrepresented populations. This $175-million grant program requires funds to be used for programs targeting adults or youth that are not currently enrolled in high school.