The Youth Pathways to Post-Secondary and Employment site is live! This site brings together five different National Youth-Focused Training and Technical Assistance Centers, funded by the US Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), as well as the US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability and Employment Policy (ODEP). These five centers are working together to provide technical assistance and training to state/local agencies and programs to build successful pathways to post-secondary education and employment opportunities for youth and students with disabilities.
The purpose of this website is to serve as a platform for a cross-boundary Community of Practice for professionals who share a passion and a vision for building pathways for students and youth with disabilities to post-secondary and employment. You may access this new website and the resources posted without a login or password, however to join the Community of Practice, you will need to request membership.
The first community will focus on Pre-Employment Transition Services, as defined by Section 113 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The purpose of this community is to provide a space for communication and collaboration in the provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services to students with disabilities. This community can be used to share lessons learned, pose questions, discuss and collaborate on pre-employment resources and services. We also plan to launch additional communities based on your input and suggestions.
To join, please click here Pre-Employment Transition Services. Once you are on the Pre-Employment Transition Services page, click on the green “Request Membership” bar on the right hand side of the page under “Join This Community”. A dialogue box will open so you can enter your name and email address in order to become a member. You will then be able to login to the Community of Practice, where you can view the discussion topics and join in the conversation.