The following is excerpted from the JP Morgan Chase report, Skills at Work: Expanding Economic Opportunity for Youth through Summer Jobs.
Tackling the teen unemployment crisis and creating pathways to success for young adults are priorities for cities across the United States. JPMorgan Chase’s philanthropic investment in summer jobs reflects not only its deep-seated commitment to providing economic opportunity to youth but also the growing recognition that summer youth employment is a critical component of the workforce pipeline. The summer jobs programs funded by JPMorgan Chase in 2015 helped to provide over 3,200 youth jobs and work-related opportunities. The programs are located in 15 cities in every major region of the United States. They also represent a variety of organizational models: • Twelve programs are private nonprofit organizations including three that serve as the local coordinating body for citywide youth employment initiatives that are open to all youth. • The other nine programs are managed by public entities, including city governments, workforce investment boards, and a school district.
The full report is available here.