Social Finance and Jobs for the Future (JFF) are holding a competition to select four sites across the country that want to develop Pay-For-Success (PFS) projects to expand or launch Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs serving high-need, and under-served youth. While the focus here is on youth, it's important to consider that many CTE programs serve a spectrum of K-12 and adult education/community college programs. Considering this an opportunity to bridge the traditional divide between K-12 and adult education may be the ticket to a successful application.
Selected sites will receive fully-funded feasibility studies to determine the viability of launching or expanding the proposed CTE program through Pay for Success financing. At the close of the feasibility studies, up to three applicants will receive additional technical assistance to structure and launch their PFS project.
The application deadline is March 17, 2017. Follow-up on the JFF website for further details.