Horizons 2018: A Vision for Economic Advancement, Jobs for the Future’s biannual national summit, will explore one of the most pressing issues facing our nation: How will we transform education and talent development systems in the face of accelerating change to ensure economic advancement for all?
Over two days, more than 750 education and workforce development leaders will join with policymakers, industry leaders, tech experts, entrepreneurs, and investors to learn and share the latest thinking about the ways automation and technology are shaping America’s labor market, particularly for low-income populations. To survive and thrive in this evolving environment:
Workers must anticipate change, be ready to gain knowledge and skills, and adapt to new work arrangements.
Employers must think differently about their talent needs and how to meet them.
Educators must prepare students with the skills and competencies needed to excel in jobs that have not yet been created.
Together we will design and implement the innovative, inclusive programs and policies needed to set America up for competitive and equitable success in the decades ahead.
Concurrent Session Themes:
The Equity Imperative: Equity must remain at the heart of practice and policy as the future of work unfolds, so people of all backgrounds can contribute to and benefit from our country’s economic vitality. Sessions will examine persistent disparities in outcomes for groups that our education and workforce systems are currently leaving behind. Presenters will elevate strategies that provide more equitable opportunities for workers to gain the skills, credentials, and experiences to meet employer needs and their potential .
Skills for the Future: In order to gain a foothold and succeed in the workplaces of the future, individuals need not only specialized skills, but also a broad set of non-technical, employability skills to support their continued growth. Sessions will explore innovative approaches to build and assess these skills, including competency-based education to accelerate learning, and strategies for creating stronger, more agile feedback loops between employers and educators about skill needs. Presenters will highlight promising solutions for ensuring that youth and adults complete high school and postsecondary programs of high value to regional economies.
Solutions at Work: If traditional systems are struggling to stay relevant in the fast-changing global economy, what new models, tools, and technologies will ensure workers have what it takes to remain employable no matter what the future brings? Presenters will showcase proven innovations and breakthrough ideas that foster more powerful practice, successful programs, and improved systems.
Session Proposals: Jobs for the Future (JFF) is seeking proposals for innovative, engaging, and solution-oriented sessions from a diverse mix of individuals and organizations across the country. Each session should address the main conference focus of preparing for the future of work by zeroing in on one of the concurrent session themes. Strong submissions will propose bold ideas about how to develop education and training pathways that help low-income individuals advance in family-supporting careers and provide employers with the talented workforce they require to compete in the global economy. All sessions are 60 minutes in length.
Summit Discount for Accepted Proposals: Presenters are required to register for Horizons 2018 and will receive a discounted registration rate. All presenters must pay for their own travel/lodging and other incidental costs.
To download a copy of the submission questions, click here. Please be prepared to answer all proposal questions, as the system will not allow you to save and return. Note that you will be required to create a log-in to submit a session proposal.