Looking for instructional design professional development opportunities?
Join the 600+ who registered for Designers for Learning's new 6-week instructional evaluation service project to support adult basic education. This free project-based service course on Canvas Network is an excellent opportunity to gain evaluation experience while building your instructional design portfolio.
Cost: Free
Project Duration: March 20 - April 30, 2017
Prerequisites: None
For more information: http://designersforlearning.org/openabemooc
To enroll: https://www.canvas.net/browse/designersforlearning/courses/instructional-evaluation
What is different in this new service-learning experience?
Building from our previous service-learning projects, this developmental evaluation course focuses on both instructional evaluation, as well as the adaptation and redesign of our existing roster of open educational resources for adult basic education. This project-based experience is perfect for those who want to gain real-world instructional design experience while supporting a good cause, but would like a shorter 6-week time commitment than our other projects.
Please share with your network
Please help us spread this announcement by sharing this enrollment information with other interested colleagues. Thank you.
Dr. Jennifer Maddrell
Comments or questions: http://designersforlearning.org/contact
Twitter updates: @design4learn & #openabe
Designers for Learning is organized as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Illinois and operates exclusively for charitable purposes in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. We help nonprofits and other social enterprises achieve their missions by targeting underserved educational and curriculum needs through service-learning.