With support from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, RTI International invites community partnerships to join a technical assistance initiative to improve the outcomes of justice-involved young adults (ages 16–24). This new initiative will connect these youths with career and technical education (CTE), workforce development, and special education services.
Communities selected to participate in this free training must engage the following partners:
- state and local education agencies and postsecondary institutions providing CTE
- state and local justice agencies
- social service agencies
- workforce development agencies
One or more of these partners must currently be providing services designed to divert youths and/or adults (including those on parole or probation) from further involvement in the criminal justice system.
By participating in this initiative, community partnerships will
- receive targeted training on such topics as diversion strategies; education and workforce development practices; partnership development; data collection, management, and sharing; and program sustainability;
- have access to a website with helpful tools and resources;
- receive a biannual e-newsletter that will share promising practices; and
- have the opportunity to join in peer-to-peer or expert-led online discussions.
We estimate that the time community partners must commit to this initiative will vary depending on their needs. At a minimum, they will be expected to participate in periodic virtual training activities and provide feedback on project-developed tools and resources for a period of one to three years. Community partnerships requiring more assistance may also be eligible to receive support through coaching calls, an annual site visit, and an annual convening to be held in Washington, D.C.
If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact Michelle Tolbert at mtolbert@rti.org or Sean Addie at Sean.Addie@ed.gov by Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017.