Are you looking for an opportunity to engage with peers across the workforce system to pilot innovative solutions addressing disability and employment issues? The U.S. Department of Labor's Employment Training Administration (ETA) is pleased to announce a cohort challenge that will address three topic areas: 1) Accessibility; 2) Customer Service; and 3) Employer Engagement.
More details will be forthcoming. In the meantime, you are encouraged to begin planning possible teams across WIOA core programs, and other key partners in your area. Each of the three cohorts will examine the following challenge questions:
Accessibility Cohort – How might we further maximize physical and programmatic access for customers with disabilities using the services of an American Job Center?
Customer Service Cohort – How might we ensure individuals with disabilities experience seamless customer service across WIOA programs at American Job Centers?
Employer Engagement Cohort – How might we more effectively engage employers with recruiting, hiring, and training job seekers with disabilities as an integrated strategy of the American Job Center Service Delivery?
Stay tuned to the ETA's website for more information.