The National Transitional Jobs Network invites your participation in the following webinar.
Title: Enhancing Transitional Jobs with Occupational Training: Implementation Lessons from Michigan Earn and Learn
Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2014: 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM CDT (2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EST)
Click here to register.
In collaboration with the Social IMPACT Research Center at Heartland Alliance, we are hosting a webinar that will lift up implementation lessons learned from IMPACT’s study of Michigan Earn and Learn, an enhanced transitional jobs (TJ) initiative.
Earn and Learn Fast Facts:
Launch Date: 2011
Targeted Program Participants: Formerly incarcerated individuals, the chronically unemployed, young minority men and at-risk youth (ages 18-24)
Participant Offerings: Transitional jobs, education and occupational training
Targeted Areas: Saginaw, Flint, Detroit
This webinar will feature the following speakers from the NTJN and Social IMPACT, both projects of Heartland Alliance, as well as Earn and Learn regional administrators and direct service providers:
Caitlin Schnur, Workforce Research & Policy Fellow, NTJN
Chris Warland, Associate Director for Field Building, NTJN
Margaret Schultz, Research Associate, Workforce Specialist, Social IMPACT Research Center
Linda West, Director of Workforce Development, Southwest Solutions
John Anderson, Grant Manager, Genesee/Shiawassee Michigan Works!
Linda Tinsley, Earn and Learn Project Manager, Focus: Hope
Together, these experts will showcase Earn and Learn’s implementation challenges and successes and discuss lessons learned to advance the workforce development field.
This webinar is intended for employment program providers and administrators, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders interested in the design, implementation, and improvement of large-scale TJ and subsidized employment initiatives for people with barriers to work.
Read the evaluation the webinar is based on: Michigan Earn and Learn: An Outcome & Implementation Evaluation of a Transitional Job and Training Program
Webinar via @tjprogams highlites TJ implementation lessons @IMPACTHeartland @SWSolDetroit @Focus_HOPE @GSMworks
The National Transitional Jobs Network (NTJN) is a national coalition dedicated to getting chronically unemployed Americans back to work. We advance effective employment solutions including Transitional Jobs that combine wage-paid work, job skills training, and supportive services to help individuals facing barriers to employment succeed in the workforce. We believe that every person deserves the opportunity to work and support themselves and their families. When everyone who wants to work can find a job, the economy is healthier and America is stronger. We open doors to work through Transitional Jobs programs, research and evaluation, education and training, and policy advocacy.