Content provided by Microsoft.
This webinar takes place on July 10, 2014 @ 1 p.m. ET
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School district and state level education leaders are charged with developing and administering educational curricula to best prepare students for their futures. Yet there can be tension between a curriculum that develops a "well-rounded" student and a curriculum that helps create a student who is "job or career ready."
Join us for this webinar when our guests will:
• Identify the 20 most common skills required across nearly 15 million job postings.
• Illustrate the importance of those skills to high growth, high paying positions that represent nearly 30% of the job growth between 2010 and 2020.
• Describe those essential skills in the context of curriculum reform and show how they are consistent with most common educational improvement initiatives today.
• Provide examples of how those essential skills can be taught and reinforced in most classroom environments using readily available technology tools.
• Cushing Anderson, program vice president, project-based services, International Data Corporation• Ashanka Iddya, education solution specialist, U.S. Education, Microsoft Corporation
• Sean Herdman, associate publisher, Education Week
Register for this webinar now.