Dear Colleagues,
Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), States and Territories must submit a Unified or Combined State Plan to the U.S. Department of Labor that outlines a four-year strategy for the State’s workforce development system. For Program Year (PY) 2020, States and Territories must submit a new four-year WIOA State Plan for Federal review and approval. The U.S. Departments of Labor and Education (Departments) are pleased to announce the availability of the WIOA State Plan information collection request (ICR) (OMB approval no. 1205-0522), attached here and available at The ICR details the requirements states must address in its WIOA Unified or Combined State Plans. Minor changes from prior ICRs include removal of references to past dates, correction of typographical errors, introduction of an optional data element to provide an executive summary, updating title II Section 243 narrative and assurance requirements, and updating instructions for Appendix I of the ICR.
The Departments will issue further guidance in coming weeks regarding the WIOA State Plan submission process via the online portal as well as provide training on the new system. We know many states are already well into their strategic planning process, and we encourage states that are still in the early stages to reach out to partners, review labor market information, and identify the strategies and operational approaches that best meet the needs of your state’s workforce and employers.
We look forward to jointly reviewing your plans, which we know will reflect further growth in partnerships, coordinated service delivery, and innovations since the plans were last substantively updated in 2018. The Departments look forward to continuing to partner with States and Territories to implement the workforce development system as envisioned by WIOA.
Please contact your Federal program representative if you have questions.