Career Pathways help people upgrade their skills and advance to better jobs over time through a stackable set of education and training steps and credentials within a particular industry. As States expand and improve Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) services, they should consider how SNAP E&T can be incorporated into existing career pathways systems to get better results for participants. Read the full brief here.
Highlights on how states can achieve this goal:
• Choosing SNAP E&T partners who are already implementing career pathways well and helping to expand their services to more SNAP participants;
• Working with partners to use SNAP E&T strategically to fill critical gaps in career pathways services – such as by adding career coaches, support services, or contextualized and concurrent basic skills help.
States may find that an added benefit of integrated SNAP E&T services and participants into career pathways efforts is a stronger alignment of SNAP E&T with the workforce system, given the priority placed on career pathways, integrated basic education and training, and sector partnerships in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).