The Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, in collaboration with the Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Rehabilitation Services Administration, introduces a new series of interactive e-Learning modules that explain select WIOA performance accountability concepts.
#1 The WIOA Performance - Credential Attainment e-Learning module explains Credentials and recognized equivalents, shows how the indicator is calculated, and provides examples to help understand if an individual attaining a specific credential should be included in the indicator. Self-directed contents include indicator definition and description, calculations, scenarios, and additional resources.
#2 This second release of this e-Learning technical assistance series highlights the Measurable Skill Gains indicator of performance. It explains the five type of acceptable WIOA measurable skill gains, shows the learner how to calculate the indicator, and provides examples to help the learner understand who should be included in the indicator. Contents include definition, description the five types of gains, calculations, scenarios, and additional resources.
#3 The third installment of this e-Learning technical assistance series explains the Employment Rate Indicator. The module shows how the indicator is calculated for the second and fourth quarter, and provides examples to help the learner understand if an individual should be included in the indicator.
#4 The final module in this e-Learning series provides an overview of the median earnings information for participants who are engaged in unsubsidized employment during their second quarter after exiting core programs. It also provides examples of how to calculate median earnings and illustrates what should and should not be included in those calculations. The module concludes with narrated scenarios and additional resources.