Time to Reskill Webinar

Hi all,

I wanted to share a reminder to register for the upcoming A Time to Reskill webinar scheduled for Thursday, March 13 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (EST).  The Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE) is seeking input and feedback from adult education teachers and other practitioners to help inform their national action plan in strengthening the foundational skills of adults in the United States. OCTAE launched a national engagement effort on November 20, 2013 (see archived announcement) to seek input and identify solutions in increasing our national capacity to address the needs of low-skilled learners.

With the recent release of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)’s Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies, (PIAAC) demonstrating the direct relationship between skills and economic security, health, and educational advancement, there is even more urgency to address the needs of low-skilled learners and equip the teaching workforce to help such students achieve their academic and economic goals.

This webinar will be an opportunity to receive a briefing on the PIAAC data, the OECD’s special report on America’s low-skilled population, Time for the U.S. to Reskill?, and engage in a focused discussion about the issues facing adult education.

To prepare for the webinar, see the Consultation Paper, which provides background on the skills issue and the framework for the national action plan. The discussion will continue online in this group as well as other groups within the LINCS Community.

Register here for the webinar and help us promote and encourage participation by adult education teachers and practitioners!

Many thanks!

Gail Cope, SME, LINCS Program Management Group