Program Management Colleagues,
Next week we will hold a discussion about online portfolios and micro-credentials in the LINCS Technology and Learning Community. I will post summaries of the discussion here late on Tuesday, July 14th and Thursday, July 16th, and a final summary by the following Monday. I believe this discussion can be useful for program managers who are interested in learning about, or who already understand the value of, online and blended learning, and who may be interested in or involved with defining and implementing career pathways. Online portfolios and micro-credentials (for example, digital badges) can be useful for learners who want to demonstrate their abilities to employers, college admissions officers, and to career and employment training programs. Most of the guest experts have been directly involved in creating adult basic education (including ESL/ESOL) online portfolios and/or micro-credentials.
To participate, please join the Technology and Learning CoP by going to After you select “join” and are sent to the Technology and Learning Group page, please set “My Email Subscription to this Group” to “immediate”. To reply to a post, go to the “Discussions” area of the Technology and Learning web page. At the end of the discussion, if you wish to leave the Technology and Learning CoP, return to and select “leave”.
David J. Rosen
Program Management CoP Moderator