The biggest change to the GED test may not be academic standards, item formats, or intellectual frameworks. It could simply be the design and delivery of products and services. What does that mean? Take a look at my latest blog about the 'learner-centered' services offered by GEDTS for their 2014 test. The MyGED portal turns a simple transcript into what looks to be a pretty user-friendly digital database of resources and supports to further gains and promote life-long learning.
Despite the positive attributes and exciting potential of the MyGED score report, some aspects of the new GED testing and feedback process are bound to affect the way adult ed programs do business. It's called a disruptive innovation, if you follow Clayton Christensen's writing. How will our local/regional/state-wide services adapt to incorporate this new source of information and services? Please comment here or on my blog. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Jason Guard
Essential Education and GED Academy