May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month and Mental Health America (MHA)'s free toolkit is full of resources you can use to support learners' mental health.  

The 2024 Mental Health Month toolkit provides free resources to help plan your efforts and raise awareness during the month of May and beyond. It has DIY tools, social media assets, resources, templates, and printable handouts.  All of these resources are available in English and Spanish.  Check out the toolkit today!





Thank you for sharing! I really like the graphics that are included in that toolkit. I have had some insightful conversations about students from other countries about how mental health is viewed in their home cultures. Some have expressed that they struggle not to view seeking help as weakness. I tell them that Americans struggle with that same fear. I think that having these graphics in the classroom, particularly the coping skills, and discussing them/integrating them into the class through the course would be helpful. Anything we can do to reduce the stigma within the classroom could have a huge effect one someone's life.