Date Saver! Week of March 11, 2019 Guest-led Discussion with Kate Brandt-- The CUNY HSE Curriculum Framework on ELA/Social Studies

Be sure to join us the week of March 11th when Kate Brandt, the developer of the ELA/Social Studies section of the CUNY HSE Curriculum Framework, will be with us to share many practical teaching strategies for integrating reading and writing instruction using social studies content.

The CUNY HSE Curriculum Framework for ELA/Social Studies is a resource intended to help high school equivalency teachers make the most of their classroom time by providing a model for integrating reading and writing practice with the study of social studies content.This online discussion will introduce interested teachers and administrators to key features of the Framework, such as the curriculum map, description of best practices, and the high-utility classroom activities embedded in the lesson plans.While the Framework was designed with the TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) in mind, it is easily adaptable to prepare students for other tests such as the GED and the HiSET. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the resource and ask questions.

Click here to check out the LINCS Review and access the CUNY HSE Curriculum Framework on ELA/Social Studies.

Kate Brandt's Bio:

Kate Brandt has 28 years of experience teaching ABE/HSE in New York City. She has served as a Professional Developer for the CUNY Adult Literacy/HSE Program since 1995, writing numerous guides, manuals and curricula using CUNY’s content-based approach to HSE instruction, including the CUNY HSE Social Studies/ELA Curriculum Framework.  Currently she provides resources and workshops to BE and HSE teachers throughout New York City and State.