Have You Signed Up For the 2024 Summer Teacher Training Institute Yet?

Don’t miss out on this free virtual professional development experience! The LINCS Summer Teacher Training Institute (STTI) is an opportunity for adult educators to engage with, and learn from, a variety of peers across the country.

The STTI will kick off on June 26 with a webinar at 2pm ET. Then, from July to August, each strand will follow a format of weekly online asynchronous coursework, participation in a live weekly facilitated webinar, and discussion in a private group within the LINCS Community. Select one of three strands:

  • STEM Strand (6 weeks) – Deepen practitioner knowledge about science and technology content and research-based instructional strategies for the adult education classroom.
  • Students—Helping Them Persist Strand (6 weeks) – Build and share strategies around student motivation and persistence.
  • SIA 2.0 Strand* (8 weeks) – Learn how to review curricula for alignment to college and career readiness standards.

Join us for this empowering professional opportunity! Register by June 14, 2024: https://forms.office.com/r/UKNCgzYavS

*Note: For SIA 2.0, States participate as part of a multi-state cohort, with individual State teams meeting between sessions to apply what they’ve learned. Those interested in the SIA 2.0 Strand must be nominated by their state professional development representative.

For questions, please contact: training@lincs.ed.gov