Understanding How the Scarcity Mindset Affects Adult Learners

Date: Monday, August 19th - Tuesday, August 20th
Time: Ongoing
Adult learners often face time or resource scarcity (e.g., meeting multiple obligations from work, school, and family without necessary school supplies, transportation, or health care). These “scarcities” can influence learners’ mindsets, and thus, their performance and engagement in the classroom as they negotiate and balance their commitments, time, and resources.
Join the LINCS Community Professional Development Group for a discussion introducing the Scarcity Mindset, a research-based framework that helps identify why individuals make specific choices in time- or resource- scarce environments. Adult education practitioners that understand the mindset of students facing time or resource scarcity – and are equipped with relevant lesson planning and teaching strategies – will be better positioned to facilitate greater student learning and classroom engagement. Discussion participants will see new lesson planning examples and get a chance to apply them.
Target Audience(s)
Instructors, practitioners, and program administrators. The scarcity mindset framework is applicable across curricula.
Target Population(s)
Adult learners that are balancing their education against multiple demands with limited resources.
The discussion will include insights from two experts: Sarah Goldammer, an educational training specialist for the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center; and Esther Prins, an associate professor of adult education at Penn State.
Kathy Tracey, LINCS Professional Development Group Moderator, will facilitate this activity.
Featured Resources
The week prior to the event, the LINCS Community Professional Development Group will share How Poverty and Cognitive Biases Can Impact Decisions and Action. Upon reviewing the materials, participants will be asked to share one discussion question prior to the start of the activity.
Participation Instructions
To participate in this activity, attendees must be a member of the LINCS Community and a member of a host group. (Current Community and group members can simply log in to their account.)
To participate:
2. Join the host group:
3. Access the group’s discussion thread:
  • LINCS Professional Development Group: Discussion
Accommodations can be requested online 7-10 days prior to the activity. Participants can also contact Stephen Coleman at 301-828-1526 for assistance.
Post Activity/Follow-up Materials
A summary of the interview, as well as any follow-up materials, will be posted in the online discussion post-activity thread after the interview concludes.