The Best and Worst Superbowl Commercials! What's Your Favorite?


One of my favorite stories to read after the Superbowl is the ranking of the best and worst Superbowl Commercials. So, how can we harness this interest in our Adult Education Classroom? 

First, let's explore two lists:  List One: and List Two: 

Ideas for classroom use: 

  • Compare and contrast these lists. 
  • Discuss the advertisements - who sponsored the add? What is being 'sold'? What is the message? 
  • Have students develop their own best/worst list of commercials. 
  • Build a classroom community through an active discussion on their favorite (or least favorite) commercials. 

So let's have a bit of fun today and discuss how we can engage our students using current media topics and teach a bit of media literacy. 

Kathy Tracey