Purpose of Education?

Edutopia just ran an article that includes an excerpt from "Imagine if ..." by Sir Ken Robinson, PhD and Kate Robinson. 

I am curious to hear people's thoughts and reactions to these perspectives.


Hi, Edward! 

Thank you so much for sharing this article! I had not heard of this book; it looks quite interesting.

In the beginning of the article, the authors state that "education should expand our consciousness, capabilities, sensitivities, and cultural understanding. It should enlarge our worldview." I certainly agree. While I, personally, feel that the emphasis of instruction should still lie heavily in androgogical principles and practices (after all, if students can't read, write, or solve problems well, they'll have a hard time expanding their consciousness), I don't feel education's "purpose" is merely teaching academics.

The first purpose shared--Personal--is perhaps the most important to adult students. K-12 would do well to mimic the efforts of adult educators to make education personally meaningful for students. The authors say this: "Engaging them as individuals is at the heart of raising achievement." We know in adult education that this is certainly the case. When learning is personal, retention and engagement--and thus student success--follow.

What thoughts do others have to this article?

Susan Roberts,
Moderator, T&L Group