If you’re a member of the LINCS Community, and you’ve forgotten your password, you can request a new password -- this is easy and involves a special link sent to your email. If you’re a member who would like to change your current password, you can reset your password while logged in to the LINCS Community.
You must update your password at least once a year.
Requesting a new password
- Select Log In at the top of the LINCS Community page: http://community.lincs.ed.gov/
- Click the Reset Your Password link. Enter your email address (the one you use to sign into your account), complete the CAPTCHA challenge, and click Submit.
- Check your email inbox and look for an email titled Replacement login information for (your name) at LINCS Community. Inside this email will be a link that will allow you to enter your account and reset your password. This link can only be used once. If you don’t see the email, please check your spam or junk mail folders.
- Click the link in this email to arrive at the Reset Your Password screen. Click Log In here to use your temporary login.
- You'll land on your Account Settings page. Scroll down to the password section, then enter a new password and re-enter your new password before selecting Change Password. Be sure to follow the password rules! These are very specific.
Password Requirements
- Passwords must be at least 12 characters long
- Passwords must not contain the user’s username
- Passwords must use at least 4 different character types
- lowercase letters
- uppercase letters
- numerical digits
- special characters (e.g. !, $, #, %, ^)
- Passwords must also pass a strength test - avoid the following in your password:
- Dates (including partial dates such as the year - example: 2020)
- Common phrases pulled from a dictionary or literature (no "quickbrownfox" or "tobeornottobe" allowed)
- Sequences of three or more identical digits in a row
- Sequences of three or more identical characters in a row
- Keyboard patterns (example: qwerty - or other keyboard sequences)
- You cannot reuse a password you’ve used previously
- Password Manager software can be very helpful.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page. If it has not already been checked be sure to click the checkbox for the Terms and Conditions. Then click the Save button. Your new password has been set.
If you need help, please reach out to our help desk at https://community.lincs.ed.gov/contact/contact_us for assistance.