ED Launches Career Pathways Exchange!


As a valued member of the LINCS community, you’re invited to subscribe to OCTAE’s new Career Pathways Exchange (the Exchange) to receive targeted email digests of the latest high-quality resources, events, and information related to career pathways.

With the passing of WIOA into law and the release of the Vice President’s Ready to Work: Job-Driven Training and American Opportunity report, the role of career pathways systems in improving our nation’s economy is more important than ever. Identified in the Ready to Work report as a way to help states and interested stakeholders to develop, expand, and strengthen their career pathways systems, the Exchange consolidates and distributes career pathways-related resources, events, and information from federal and state agencies and partner organizations. The Exchange streamlines information from multiple outlets to facilitate a deeper national dialogue on career pathways systems development and implementation.

Exchange subscribers can select to receive email digests on their topics of interest, including: Building Cross-Agency Partnerships, Identifying Industry Sectors and Engaging Employers, Designing Education and Training Programs, Identifying Funding Needs and Sources, Aligning Policies and Programs, and Measuring System Change and Performance.

For continued information on the go, be sure to find and follow the Exchange on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

We look forward to sharing these timely and important resources and information with you. Don’t miss out; subscribe to this information service today!

The LINCS Community Team