Maximize Your Summer Break – Learn with LINCS!

Greetings LINCS Community,

New to the LINCS Learning Portal is a deep dive into Energy Literacy!

The newly added Teaching Energy Literacy to Adult Learners course is an extension of the current online LINCS Science course series. Designed for instructors in adult basic education (ABE) and low adult secondary education (ASE) programs, the course will help participants:

  • Understand the concept of energy literacy,
  • Employ the Energy Literacy Framework’s seven Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts, and
  • Utilize online resources to guide adult learners in exploring the seven principles.

Instructors can also use the Energy Literacy Framework (available in English and Spanish) to teach adult learners about the role of energy in their lives while generating interest in energy as a career opportunity. Throughout the course, the website and its resources are explored as well as examples and resources of green jobs.

Enjoy exploring this valuable resource!

Best regards,

The LINCS Community Team