Today! Using Writing Test Prompts to Develop Academic Writing

Join the LINCS Community today, November 13, 2018, for the final webinar and discussion in the Teaching Academic Writing to English Learners series, “Using Writing Test Prompts to Develop Academic Writing” with Dr. Kirsten Schaetzel, English Language Specialist at Emory University School of Law. This one-hour webinar and subsequent discussion will cover effective instructional strategies for teaching academic writing to adult education students. After the session, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the rationale for using test prompts to teach academic writing skills
  • Describe what students learn from writing practice tests
  • Delineate how writing test prompts can support students to develop Habits of Mind and academic writing skills
  • Apply teaching strategies that prepare students for read-to-write tasks
  • Design writing lessons that require students to analyze and respond to a test prompt

Prior participation is not required, so invite your colleagues! To participate, please register here!

And don’t forget to join the English Language Acquisition, Reading & Writing, Teaching & Learning, or Professional Development discussion groups by visiting the LINCS Community.

As a follow-up to the webinar, tomorrow Dr. Kirsten Schaetzel will lead an asynchronous discussion in the LINCS Community English Language Acquisition, Reading & Writing, Teaching & Learning, or Professional Development groups.


The LINCS Team