Work-Based Learning

Tanya Shuy posted a notice in some of our communities today, sharing information on the first issue of the 2016 OECD Education and Skills Newsletter. Among the many useful articles in that publication is "Work-based learning in vocational education and training (VET)" accessed at Click on the video link leading to a very short PowerPoint summary.

Increasingly, regardless of our views on this kind of focus, adult education strives to meet the employment needs of learners and the recruitment needs of employers. Are Adult Ed programs attempting to make that shift in instruction? Is instruction for developing better academic language skills still driving students through grammar lessons, only embellished by the great digital tools that we now have available?

What practices can you share on how you are improving the literacy skills of adult learners, which are workplace rather than just college driven? Can GED prep be done in "real-life" ways that engage students rather than whip them through the dizzying grammar wheel? Are employers being included in helping us design instruction? What reading and writing skills do they hope to get from new employees? How are the needs of very diverse learners being addressed as they prepare to enter the workplace? Leecy

Leecy Wise, Moderator, Reading and Writing, and Diversity and Literacy CoPs