Hi YAP Career Planning Microgroup –
- Looking for tools to strengthen career planning programs?
- Interested in ways to engage students in their own career pathways?
- Do you especially need support around career planning and students with disabilities?
The YAP Microgroup on career planning is the place for you! This online community is an exciting forum to post ideas, identify tools, and share strategies. Real time events with national leaders offer additional opportunities to address youth and adult pathway topics. To that end, I wanted to share information with you about upcoming YAP events.
- January 21st, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. e.t. - YAP is fortunate to have the expertise of Curtis Richards is Director of the Center for Workforce Development at IEL to conduct a Webinar on using Individual Learning Plans to facilitate College and Career Readiness. He is a nationally-recognized leader in the disability community. Richards serves as the lead technical assistance (TA) provider for the National Collaborative on Workforce & Disability for Youth (NCWD/Y). With support from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, NCWD/Youth is a national technical assistance center focused on assisting the workforce development system to better serve youth, including youth with disabilities.
Please register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3950130018836049922
To access information and tools about Individual Learning Plans prior to the Webinar, http://www.ncwd-youth.info/ilp
- January 27th – January 31st. We will have the online expertise of representatives of the HEATH Resource Center, including a student with a disability, talking about the importance of youth involvement in career pathways. Our experts will be available online all-week to address any questions you have regarding tools that facilitate the movement of students with disabilities into postsecondary education settings, strategies to engage youth in their own career plans, and lessons learned. Learn about the HEATH Resource Center at http://www.heath.gwu.edu/
The YAP Career Planning microgroup offers the perspectives of diverse participants crossing K12 education, workforce development, adult education, and the community. The participation of students themselves in this forum is learning for us all. We hope you contribute to our community!
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Judy Shanley, Ph.D.
Easter Seals
YAP Career Planning Microgroup SME