Let's Talk Phonics! Upcoming Discussion

Please mark your calendar: Let's Talk Phonics! August 27, 28, and 29

One great way to learn a new skill is to watch others apply it first. Join LINCS Community moderators as they present videos of real instructors modeling strategies with learners in phonics, one of the essential components of reading.  Afterwards, participate in a discussion thread to explore new learnings, debate techniques, and acquire more information. Kathy St. John, a LINCS National Trainer and the former supervisor of Read Santa Clara, will be a guest participant and help facilitate the discussion.

The discussion will be sponsored by three LINCS groups: Reading and Writing, Teaching and Learning, and Professional Development. As you invite others to join us, please remind them that in order to comment in the discussions, they will need to enroll i and then join the dialogue from one of the three LINCS communities.

CLICK HERE to access the whole announcement with more details. Leecy