Free webinar about teaching from diverse student voices

Please join us on Friday, April 13, 2018 at noon (ET) for a free one-hour webinar on using the "Hair" issue of The Change Agent (a magazine of adult student writings) in the classroom. The webinar is FREE, but you must register here.
This webinar will give you an overview of the huge range of topics written by students: about working in salons and barbershops, sweet (as well as painful) childhood memories of hair, hair in the context of disease and even war, and the issues that hair raises for women and men and people of all races and ethnicities. 
We will also look specifically at the learning activities that accompany the articles to show how you can use these inspiring, engaging, sometimes funny, and always moving texts to teach the College and Career Readiness Standards -- ensuring your students will be excited by the content as well as moving forward with their academic and work goals.
Cynthia Peters, Editor
