Age and social media in the math classroom

A recent LINCS training in Iowa revealed some interesting conversations about the use of certain types of social media (like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) among younger and older populations. We investigated the data from the chart below and spent time coming up with ways students might use the information in a math lesson. One of the discussions introduced the notion that older adults found some of the newer social media platforms to be too cumbersome and/or required too many additional logins to make it worth their time.  

I’d be curious to know if this is the case and would encourage anyone out there to give their students a chance to design a survey to gather this kind of data for us to examine. It might be interesting to have them gather the data in their homes, around their program, or even in a local shopping center.

Should you end up creating a lesson plan or activity about this, please share it back with this community so we can all benefit from the collaborative work of this cohort. Many thanks!

Social Media Users by Age Group footnote