Career Pathways - Examples?

The Mayor's Commission on Literacy in Philadelphia is in the process of developing online courses for Adult Basic Education.  In our introductory course we will have a module on career pathways.  The outcome of the module should be a document charting a career pathway for the learner that can be stored in the learner's e-portfolio for reference and updating by the learner, the case manager and instructors. 

While there is a wealth of information of strategies for and implementation of career pathways, we have yet to see many models of what the physical representation of a learner’s career pathway looks like.  This should be a clear map for the learner, case manager, etc. can follow.

I am hoping that with the collected expertise of this forum that I would be able to learn of some good examples of career pathways templates.  Can anyone share their ideas on such of a template?

Thank you!

Andrew Shinn
Manager of Instructional Technology
The Mayor’s Commission on Literacy




The Florida Literacy Coalition has developed a three module self-paced course on training tutors and teachers to be career advocates. I believe it's the second module that goes over how to develop a career plan along with career clusters. The first module is an overview of the adult learner and the third goes over how to work with your student in writing a resume, cover letter, applying for financial aid, and keeping the job. Each module comes with a set of resources too.

To view the course, select the button on the left saying that you are a program administrator or teacher who would like to view the course. 


Let me know if you have any further questions! 
