H1B Ready to Work: Employ Indy’s Participants Prepare for Tech Careers

It’s almost a daily occurrence in Indianapolis, IN: Newspaper headlines announce new start-up tech companies, exploding growth of established companies and mergers with global tech giants. Learn more about what EmployIndy is doing to advance participants in tech careers.

Employ Up has partnered successfully with Eleven Fifty Academy to help build the needed talent pipeline for Central Indiana’s burgeoning tech sector. Employ Up has enrolled more than 300 participants in its ReadyTo-Work (RTW) program and has worked with Eleven Fifty Academy to ensure participants receive the tech skills training necessary to succeed in a tech career.

Eleven Fifty Academy is a nonprofit organization that bridges the growing technology skills gap by providing immersive training for coders of all skills level. The organization provides a range of opportunities for students, from introductory 12-week coding bootcamps to multi-tiered, advanced learning programs. The organization’s success rate in placing graduates in tech careers is phenomenal: 87 percent of Eleven Fifty graduates find employment in a tech career with average salaries reaching $47,000 a year.

Employ Up helps pay the cost of training for participants who are placed in Eleven Fifty training programs. To date, 58 Employ Up  long term unemployed participants have enrolled in Eleven Fifty training. Through Employ Up and Eleven Fifty, these participants have received job-readiness coaching and introductions to local tech companies that are hiring skilled tech talent.

The Employ Up and Eleven Fifty partnership benefits everyone involved. Employ Up works with participants to ensure they have an interest in a tech career and shows them pathways to employment. Eleven Fifty provides the training and tailors its programs to meet employer needs. And graduates of both Employ Up and Eleven Fifty are among the most prepared talent to find a new career.

Indianapolis Private Industry Council, Inc. “EmployIndy ‘s”  Ready to Work program located in Indianapolis, Marion County, IN,  seeks to address the urgent demand for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills in Central Indiana’s economy.  EmployIndy ‘s Employ Up program targets industries that rely most heavily on these skills, specifically information technology (IT) and healthcare and focuses on (85%) long-term unemployed and (15%) on other unemployed workers. This accelerated training is ideal for the long-term unemployed, because it provides individually appropriate specialized services and education/training in STEM/technical occupations.   

 Want your RTW grant program featured on the RTW blog? Submit your success stories to rtw@dol.gov