Journal Article: Journeys of Transcultural Literacies: Working Toward Transformative Learning in Adult Literacy Education

I am pleased to share an article from volume one, issue two of the new ProLiteracy peer-reviewed, online research journal, Adult Literacy Education: The International Journal of Literacy, Language, and Numeracy. This article is written by Karen Magro, The University of Winnipeg. 

Transformative learning involves significant personal and social growth. Globalization, immigration, changes in socioeconomic patterns, geopolitical tensions, and advances in technology challenge teachers to understand and mobilize the changing dynamics, practices, and contexts of learning and literacy in more complex ways (Luke & Elkins, 2002). Transcultural literacies acknowledge multiple dimensions of literacy learning that build upon learners’ unique talents and aspirations. The use of powerful texts that highlight local and global themes can resonate with adult learners coming from diverse cultural backgrounds. Connections between transcultural literacies and dimensions of transformative learning are highlighted in this study. 

Download the full article here. It is encouraged to leave your questions in this discussion thread.