Self-Determination and Adults with Learning Disabiliites

Looking for ways to help adults succeed as they transition to postsecondary education? Take advantage of this LINCS preconference session at the Effective Transtions in Adult Education Conference on November 7, 2012, in Providence RI.

Developing Skills to Succeed in Postsecondary Education in Students with Learning Disabilities

Presenter: Juliana Taymans


Description: This interactive, fast-paced workshop focuses on ways to support adults with LD in developing self-determination as a basis for self-disclosure and self-advocacy. The workshop is built on Learning to Achieve, a research-based professional development curriculum that is applicable to educators working with adults with or without learning disabilities.

Bio: Juliana Taymans is a professor of Special Education and Disability Studies at George Washington University. She contributed to and edited the review of the research literature on adults with learning disabilities for National Institute for Literacy in 2009, the document that provides the foundation for Learning to Achieve (L2A). She is now one of the national experts providing professional development for OVAE on L2A review of the research literature on adults with learning disabilities for National Institute for Literacy in 2009, the document that provides the foundation for Learning to Achieve (L2A). She is now one of the national experts providing professional development for OVAE on L2A.

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