Teaching the Number Line

Hello Friends, I had the good fortune to attend the COABE conference in Pittsburgh this week, and it was great. In a session facilitated by our good friends in Minnesota, we viewed a video of an innovative math lesson selected from the Media Library of Teaching Skills (MLOTS), which you can find here http://mlots.org/Elana/Elana.html

The new GED® and the other high school equivalency assessments require students to understand and be able to work with negative numbers.

Take a look at the engaging way teacher Elana Feder introduces the number line.  What do you think of this activity?

After introducing the number line, Elana has students work on word problems on a work sheet and then later write their own word problems. What can a teacher learn by having students write their own word problems?

What’s great about MLOTS, in addition to the classroom videos, is that there are lesson plans and student handouts (as well as questions that can be used to guide discussion about the video with a group of teachers) available, too, so some folks may want to access those resources as well.



Moderator, Assessment COP