Television and Twitter Event: Kentucky's Transition to the new GED(r) Test

Hello all,

Monday night’s Education Matters on KET was a great show! If you missed it watch it at!

The show was based around adult education in Kentucky, and our transition to the 2014 GED® Exam. Bill Goodman was the host, and joining him were Reecie Stagnolia (KYAE), Martin Kehe (GEDTS), Rodney Johnson (Russel Co. AE), and Cristina Marsh (Henry, Trimble, Carroll, and Gallatin Co. AE). This program includes instructor and student testimonials from Pulaski and Russell Counties, as well as a story highlighting the trials and tribulations of some of our students as identified by a GED graduate and current KCTCS student Ebony Nava.

Beyond watching the program several of us took to Twitter to share thoughts on the program. You can check out the conversation here Look for the section “Transcript” for the full gamut; I have separated some of the conversation into “Binders” based of crowd source hashtags.

It was a great conversation. I think there is a lot of valuable information for educators and good role models for students. It would be worthwhile to share with adult education programs.


Barry Burkett
KYAE Instructional Technology Consultant
Kentucky Educational Television