Topics of Interest in Program Management

Hi all,

Last month, I asked group members to identify topics and issues of interest in working in adult education and related programs.

Below are a few of the responses that were reported.  (And thanks to those of you who responded!)

  • best practices
  • strategies for program management
  • use of technology in managing a program
  • using student stories for promoting an adult education program
  • adult education - library partnerships
  • volunteers and volunteer support
  • distance training
  • data management

It would be great to hear from more of you, so I'm re-posting the initial questions. 

In thinking about your needs relating to program management and topics and issues you would like to see addressed in this group:
     1.  What are your priorities this year related to managing your program?
     2.  What are some of the challenges you face in your practice?
     3.  What topics would you like to see addressed and discussed in this group?

As well as responding to these questions, I encourage you all to pose questions and share resources, expertise, and ideas relating to any of the above topics and other issues that arise in your ongoing work in your programs.

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Gail Cope, SME, LINCS Program Management Group