Vera Institute Report on Recidivism Reducing Programs Nationwide

Hello All,

The Vera Institute released an important report this past wednesday highlighting a number of innovative state and county programs that are succeeding in creatively empowering incarcerated learners, and eventually these programs should prove to reduce recidivism, thus reducing costs and increasing public safety.

Media coverage of the report can be found at:

Vera's website defines the report itself, titled Incarceration's Front Door: The Misuse of Jails in America in this way:

"Local jails, which exist in nearly every town and city in America, are built to hold people deemed too dangerous to release pending trial or at high risk of flight. This, however, is no longer primarily what jails do or whom they hold, as people too poor to post bail languish there and racial disparities disproportionately impact communities of color. This report reviews existing research and data to take a deeper look at our nation’s misuse of local jails and to determine how we arrived at this point. It also highlights jurisdictions that have taken steps to mitigate negative consequences, all with the aim of informing local policymakers and their constituents who are interested in in reducing recidivism, improving public safety, and promoting stronger, healthier communities."

It's a bit of a long ready, but very much worth the time. It would also be wonderful to hear your thoughts on whether you're aware of, or possibly involved in, any of the programs mentioned in the report and highlighted in the Huffington Post article.

Happy Valentines Day to all:)

-- Heather Erwin