Correctional and Reentry Education


Profile picture for user Jeffrey Abramowitz
Jeffrey Abramowitz

Welcome to the LINCS Community Correctional and Reentry Education group! 

The target audience for this group includes adult education practitioners who work in prisons, jails, and juvenile settings, as well as researchers and policymakers. The focus of the group is to explore issues related to teaching incarcerated adults and related research, evidence-based practices, and resources. 

Topics discussed include:

  • Exploring educational interventions to help incarcerated adults obtain the skills needed to get and keep a job, acquire a high school diploma or its equivalent, and transition to postsecondary education or training
  • Integrating evidence-based adult education practices that reduce recidivism, facilitate reentry, and improve public safety
  • Serving justice involved individuals with barriers to employment  

To join the group, follow the steps below: 

  • Create a LINCS Account.
  • Log in to LINCS with your account credentials, return to this page, and click on "Join Group" on the left menu.
  • Select Daily or Immediate from the dropdown menu under "Subscription Type" on left menu to receive notifications and click the blue Update button to confirm.

Get started by exploring our Discussions, Bulletins, and Events pages (see left menu) and please introduce yourself to the group so we can get to know you better. 

We look forward to your contributions to the group!

Most Active

The most active items from the past 15 days.