What are you reading?


We are wrapping up another calendar year and with that comes time for many "Top Ten" lists. I'd like to request our participants share one 'must read' book that every adult educator should try to read this year. Share a brief summary of the book and share why you would recommend it for educators. 

To start, here are a couple of book lists. Have you read anything from these? 

And I'll start with my selection: 

I recommend An Urgency of Teachers: the Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy.  Authors Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel present a collection of essays and critique of online learning, ed tech, and possibilities of education. It's a very quick read with several aha moments and has made me question several of my instructional approaches. 

What are you reading? What do you recommend?

Kathy Tracey




I recommend The Deepest Well (https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Deepest_Well.html?id=xtf1DQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button#v=onepage&q&f=false) by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris.  Dr. Harris does an excellent job of explaining the long-term effects of adverse childhood experiences.  This gives us great insight into the struggles and barriers many of our adult education students face as they work hard to achieve their life goals.


I love this book! In fact, I will be presenting on trauma at the COABE conference and used this book as research in my dissertation. But don't despair, it doesn't read like research and we will all be shaking our heads in agreement as we see the outcomes daily. I would add to this suggestion The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog by Bruce Perry. http://childtrauma.org/roktabs/ Thanks for the suggestion. What are others reading? Kathy

I have long been interested in discovering more about what motivates us to take action in our lives. I've followed Raymond J. Wlodkowski for many years and have learned a great deal from him and from his wife Margery Ginsberg, co-author in this book.

We so often believe that we can motivate our students to learn. Can we? We also tend to blame ourselves when our students dismiss us in the learning process. This book has much to say in that regard. 

Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn: A Comprehensive Guide for Teaching All Adults, 4th Edition, Raymond J. Wlodkowski, Margery B. Ginsberg, Jossey-Bass, 2017. From the publisher’s site: "This book is the classic interdisciplinary reference on adult education, updated for today's learning environment. Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn provides adult educators with the information and strategies they need to guide non-traditional students toward positive educational outcomes. Providing a clear framework, guidelines for instructional planning, real-world examples, and cutting-edge ideas, it fills the need for intrinsically motivating instruction targeted specifically toward adults returning to school. This new fourth edition sharpens the focus on community colleges, where most first-generation college students and working adults begin their higher education. And, as a central feature, explores the rising use of technology and alternative delivery methods including a new chapter covering online instruction."

I have been in conversation with Dr. Wlodkowski, who is open to considering becoming a guest presenter during a three-day discussion next year. Fingers crossed! Leecy