The HUD Office of the Secretary recently announced a new EnVision Center demonstration. Communities who are participating in one or more Federal place-based initiatives and are interested in being considered for the demonstration are encouraged to submit a commitment letter by February 12, 2018.
The EnVision Center demonstration focuses on empowering people to leave HUD-assisted housing through self-sufficiency to become responsible homeowners and renters in the private market. EnVision Centers will provide communities with a centralized hub for support in the following four pillars: (1) Economic Empowerment, (2) Educational Advancement, (3) Health and Wellness, and (4) Character and Leadership. As part of this demonstration, HUD will provide technical assistance, evaluation and monitoring, access to online resources such as the EnVision Center mobile application, access to stakeholder offerings made available to participating communities and a network of support from HUD’s departments to ensure that all relevant HUD knowledge resources are made available to participating communities.
To find out more information about the Envision Center demonstration, please see the notice in the Federal Register and the EnVision Centers website. Communities seeking to participate in this demonstration must submit a Commitment Letter with the information required by the Federal Register Notice to An example commitment letter provided by the Office of the Secretary is attached. Interested communities are encouraged to submit commitment letters by February 12, 2018.