Full submissions for the 2018 PKAL STEM Leadership Institute will soon be accepted. Be among the first to receive additional information about our submission process by indicating your Intent to Apply by Wednesday, January 17.
The Project Kaleidoscope STEM Leadership Institute is designed expressly for STEM faculty at the early to middle stages of their careers as educators, researchers, program directors, principal investigators, or department/college-level administrators. The five-day intensive professional development experience exposes participants to the theories and practices needed to effectively manage the politics of change and contribute to the national STEM higher education reform effort.
Nearly 60% of the Institute’s leadership curriculum is grounded in the major tenets of experiential learning, with exclusive access to My Tenure Trek™ (MTT)—higher education’s only diversity simulation designed especially for STEM faculty and administrators to provide real-time cultural immersion in a range of authentic interactions, situations, and conditions that mirror the influences of power and privilege in STEM higher education.
Who Should Apply?
The Project Kaleidoscope STEM Leadership Institute welcomes applications from STEM faculty:
- Who are tenured/tenure-track, as well as non-tenure track, adjunct, or fixed-term;
- Of all institution types, especially community colleges and minority-serving institutions; and/or
- In positional and non-positional leadership roles.
STEM faculty from historically underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018: Submit the Intent to Apply Online Form
Wednesday, March 14, 2018: Submit Final Applications
Institute I: July 10–15, 2018
Institute II: July 17–22, 2018
Online Application Guidelines are available here. Notifications regarding acceptance to the Institute will be sent by Wednesday, May 2, 2018. Answers to frequently asked questions about the Institute can be found here.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact pkalstemleadership@aacu.org.