Call for Proposals: The Mayor's Commission on Literacy's 26th Annual Technology and Adult Education Conference

The Mayor’s Commission on Literacy, in collaboration with Temple University’s Center for Social Policy and Community Development, invites you to submit a proposal to present at the 26th annual technology conference, to be held Friday, May 16th, on Temple University’s main campus in Philadelphia, PA. Your presentation will reach a variety of adult literacy practitioners from community-based organizations across the region, including Executive Directors, Coordinators, Teachers, and Tutors.

Priority will be given to proposals with hands-on technology exploration, highly interactive participant-centered learning, and that are consistent with this year’s theme, “Connected Learning in Adult Education.

The deadline for proposal submissions is noon, March 24th.  If you’re interested in submitting a proposal, please visit the following link to download the presenter proposal form:


If you have any questions, please call 215-686-5250 or email: