Role of Higher ED: Undefined Prep for Specific Future Jobs or Soft Job Prep Skills?

Possible Writing Assignment from "What the future holds: Changing job market challenges colleges, students," by PBS NewsHour, adapted by Newsela staff, 05/23/2019

This article raises a few very relevant questions regarding the role of colleges in preparing for the workforce. It considers several viewpoints relating to how colleges and universities might need to change in order to serve current and future students entering unknown jobs. Written at the 7th-grade level, our high-ABE or ASE student should be able to handle the content and offer their viewpoints in relation to the information presented.
Following are a quotes to pique your interest. 
  • Eighty-five percent of the jobs that people will do in 2030 don't exist yet, the Institute for the Future has predicted...What role should colleges and universities play? How should they prepare students for a workplace that is constantly changing?
  • Many colleges have struggled with whether to focus on cutting-edge technical skills in their programs...Some universities are embracing the technical skills model. Others see an opportunity to stand out as institutions that teach students "soft skills," such as problem-solving. These skills are useful not only for the jobs of today but also for whatever the future might bring.

What do you think of Jonathan Huer's proposal? He envisions "an education system where students could take a year or two of school, get a job and then return to school a few years later. This kind of system would be better at adapting to changing technology." The  University of Utah seeks to fill the job skills gap. "It offers eight-week courses intended as an add-on to a student's main degree. The courses include data analysis, web design and digital marketing."

Should Adult Ed programs consider reassessing instruction in the similar ways? If so, what should we consider? Could any of the suggestions made support WIOA's IET model? Leecy