Live Zoom Event: February 17: Career Pathways & Digital Badging: A session on alignment, collaboration, and communication


Live Session: Career Pathways & Digital Badging: A session on alignment, collaboration, and communication

Description: How can students see and share their incremental achievements/competencies gained through their educational career pathways? Digital badging is one way. Join PD Community of Practice Group (logistical information) for a live event showcasing a technical college system's collaborative effort, made possible by a DOL grant, to create pathways and corresponding badges to communicate the competencies students as they advance toward transitioning to viable careers.

Presenter: Keith Fletcher, Savannah Technical College

Date/Time: Friday, February 17, 2023, 12:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Professional Development

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Career Pathways & Digital Badging: A session on alignment, collaboration, and communication.