A free, leveled, online numeracy curriculum suitable for adult learners?

Hello Math and numeracy teaching colleagues,

I've been asked in a webinar I did today if I know of a free, leveled, online numeracy curriculum suitable for adult learners.  I realize that it would be helpful to have more information, but that's all I have. If you have suggestions please post them here or email me directly. Thanks.

David J. Rosen



Hi David,

A few possibilities come to mind:

CALM (Curriculum for Adults Learning Math) and CAM (Curriculum for Accelerated Math), developed by the SABES Center at TERC.

The NYSED/CUNY Fast Track GRASP Math Packets written by our team at the CUNY Adult Literacy Program.

The CUNY packets are written for pre-HSE/HSE level students. The packets begin with activities that are accessible to most students in adult education, but by the end of the packets generally the activities and problems are HSE level, so many teachers might not use all parts of the packets.
