Financial empowerment toolkit, training and technical assistance opportunity for reentry from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( Letters of Interest due September 6, 2019

If your organization serves economically vulnerable populations, including justice-involved individuals, and you are interested in gaining more intensive support for your consumer financial empowerment efforts, you can apply for the Your Money, Your Goals 2020 cohort.  You can read more about it and how to apply here. CFPB's Office of Community Affairs is looking for approximately 40 organizations from across the country that are interested in using the Your Money, Your Goals toolkitissue-focused booklets, and companion guides - including Focus on Reentry - to help build the financial well-being of the people they serve. Members of the cohort will receive training, materials, and technical assistance, including support to develop and execute their Your Money, Your Goals implementation plans.  

The Office of Community Affairs is interested in working with organizations that serve economically vulnerable populations to equip frontline staff and volunteers to introduce financial capability topics in their meetings with the people they serve. These organizations may include correctional facilities, public and private social service organizations, faith-based organizations, legal aid organizations, etc.

The deadline for the application is September 6, 2019.

You can learn more about the process by joining us on August 7, 2019 at 3:00 Eastern for a webinar. Email to RSVP.